Yoga for All

Style: Hatha Yoga
Ability level: All abilities
Cost: 10.00 GBP (Pound Sterling)


Wednesday: 6 p.m. - 7:15 p.m.


The West Wing , Norman Court, West Tytherley, England, SP5 1NL, United Kingdom

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Last updated Nov. 2, 2022, 10:34 p.m. UTC

Hatha Yoga Teacher

About me:- I started practising Yoga during an extremely stressful period of my life, as a mother of three young children running an Interior Design business there were not enough hours in the day, I found my stress levels were permanently maxed out, and this was taking its toll on my body. I went to a Chiropractor, who recognised that most of the symptoms were stress related and she recommended I try a Yoga class. The benefits were instant and almost immediately I realised that I would like to take Yoga to another level. Finally, in 2016, after 10 years of practicing Yoga regularly, I decided to take the plunge and change the direction of my life, I enrolled on the British Wheel of Yoga Teacher Training Course.

I have worked with several Scaravelli inspired Yoga teachers and I am very interested in functional movement and the economy of movement following the idea that what we do on the mat can help improve movement patterns in the real world and help to avoid injury and strain. There are also somatic elements to my classes, to help 'rewire' the nervous system. Working with the breath is a vitally important part of my classes because of beneficial effects relaxing and calming the body. My aim for people to leave my classes feeling refreshed and relaxed.

Qualifications: BWY (Recognised Teaching Certificate)
Phone: 07446 888113
Private teaching available

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