Monday - Dynamic and Restorative Yoga

Yoga is the art of living and moving the body, mind and breath in a way that it transforms and heals us from the imbalances and stresses of daily life. The word Yoga is derived from the Sanskrit root ‘Yuj’ which means ‘to join’ , ‘to yoke’ or ‘to bind’.
My teaching focuses on Hatha Yoga, the physical aspects of a Yoga practice, and within this is woven the classical asanas/postures, breathe work, sensory awareness movement, meditation and mindfulness practices. It is through the joining together of these various practices that we restore our bodies back to a place of balance and this physical well-being has a strengthening and calming impact on the mind.
The benefits of practicing Yoga are numerous and they are felt immediately in the following ways:
Restful relaxed breathing
Increased strength, vitality and tone in musculature of body
Increased flexibility and mobility in joints and connective tissue
Deeper quality of sleep
Reduction in stress through mindfulness of movement and breath
Increased levels of attention and focus
Creates a space in the day for taking care of yourself

Style: Hatha Yoga
Ability level: All abilities


Monday: 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.


The Studio, The Dean, New Alresford, Hampshire, England, SO249AZ, United Kingdom

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Last updated Sept. 14, 2017, 4:59 p.m. UTC

Fazila Benoit Yoga

I am a certified Hatha Yoga teacher and have been teaching for the past 14 years. I trained with the Inner Yoga Trust in Hampshire England on a 500hour Teachers Awareness Program, which is accredited with the British Wheel of Yoga, the main governing body for Yoga in the UK that sets high standards of education, ethics, discipline and safe practice.

My personal practice extends to the last 25 years, when I first discovered the healing and grounding nature of a Yoga practice and how it instantly brought me in contact with myself. I have been influenced by the teachings of BKS Iyengar, TKV Desikachar and Vanda Scaravelli and the many teachers I have worked with along the way who have gleaned their knowledge from these great teachers directly.

My classes blend the elements of dynamic, strengthening postures with restorative and healing somatic movements that make for a balanced and equanimous practice. I have worked with the Feldenkrais method and this has reinforced the importance of somatic work within a Hatha Yoga practice. Attention to breath-work and bringing awareness to how that impacts our way of being, form the basis for all my yoga classes. I teach small Group classes and Individual sessions and have led Corporate Yoga days.

Over the last two decades I have been exploring the teachings of Jiddu Krishnamurti, and the philosophy underlying his work has informed much of how I wish to teach and live, with a sense of curiosity and inquiry into the nature of how we move, psychologically and physically, through our daily lives.

Qualifications: BWY (Accredited Diplomas)
Phone: 07786537335
Private teaching available

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