Cacao Ceremony, Pranayama & Guided Meditation

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Cacao Ceremony, Pranayama & Guided Meditation
Busy Mind That is for most people the reality of the everyday life ? This takes us away from discovering our true self, from our conscious breath and our hearts. This workshop is designed to guide you back to your centre. With the support of cacao, we set on a journey which will gently take us back to ourselves, our bodies, allowing us to hear the voice of our hearts.

Cacao has been used in ceremonies in Meso-America for centuries. Cacao is powerful yet gentle plant medicine that supports you wherever you are through opening your heart. The intention of the cacao ceremony is to assist you in a personal process which can be light or profound depending on where you are at.Pranayama allows us to work with the life force energy keeping the mind and body in healthy harmony. The breath will support the flow of cacao within us preparing us for the guided meditation. The meditation will deepen the centring process, and our ability to surrender and listen to the heart.

Estilo: Mindfulness Yoga
Niveles de habilidad: Principiantes


3:18 p.m. Viernes 23 Jun 2023 - 3:18 p.m. Viernes 23 Jun 2023


Power Of Yoga, 2B Westwick Crescent, Sheffield, England, S8 7DG, Reino Unido

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Ultima actualización 22 de Junio de 2023 a las 14:19 UTC

Louise Power - Power of Yoga, Greenhill, Sheffield

My background is in nursing, having spent 25 years in Health Care. I also studied movement and dance from a young age culminating in graduation from Bailey Cox Academy. My passion for health, well-being, fitness, movement and flow led me to do my Yoga Teacher Training in 2010 with Steve Avian at Shamayoga School, Sheffield.

Upon opening the studio in 2014. I wanted to create a space that enhanced the whole yoga experience. I focus on small intimate classes incorporating personal interaction to enhance practice and development of mind, body and soul to improve all students' health and well-being.

Yoga is my passion in life. The way I teach and practise is constantly evolving. I love the flow and movement and use this feeling in all my classes, teaching a modern approach to a traditional form. Exploring the body and mind through breathing in movement, stillness and relaxation.

I am no different than you. I have a life that can be challenging and, at times frustrating. Making the decision to choose yoga has been life-changing for me and therefore, I endeavour to pass on the gift of physical and mental health to all my students.

Come and feel for yourself the Power of Yoga.

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Calificaciones: Other recognized yoga teaching qualification
Teléfono: 07904924673
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Contacto Louise Power - Power of Yoga, Greenhill, Sheffield

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