Introductory to Ashtanga

Introductory/ Ashtanga/ Vinyasa classes for students of all ages, alternatively contact Tammy for info on Prenatal classes.

Estilo: Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga
Niveles de habilidad: Todos los niveles
Costo: 45,00 ZAR (Rand)


Martes: 17:30:00 - 18:30:00


Richmond Hill , Port Elizabeth , South Africa, 6001, Sudáfrica

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Ultima actualización 22 de Noviembre de 2014 a las 21:46 UTC

Tammy Foote Yoga

Tammy has been a yoga student for 15 years, however her practice deepened considerably while living in Japan and traveling around South East Asia. She finally did her teachers training to further her own practice and solve the constant dilemma of searching for a yoga studio while on her travels. She completed her RYT 200 in 2009 in Mexico and has been building her knowledge and experience ever since.
Tammy has degrees in Education and Comparative Religious Studies and has completed the following courses:
* RYT 200~ Yandara Yoga~ Mexico * Thai Yoga Body Workshop~ Jonas Westring, Yoya Tree- Tokyo * Basic Ashtanga Workshop~ YogaJaya-Tokyo *Sakyadita Conference 2008~ Mongolia *Detox Workshop, module 4 with Adi Carter *Ashtanga Yoga Practice workshop with Mark Robberds *Detox, Vinyasa Flow Intensive with Seane Corn *Effortless Arm balances with Jason crandell*Unravelling the Mysteries of the Hips, neck and Shoulders, Forrest yoga with Ana Forrest *840,000 posture-bilities, Prana Flow, Int/adv with Twee merrigan *Yoga and Food workshop with Govinda Kai* Pregnancy Yoga Teachers Work Shop~ Aryo

Página web:
Calificaciones: Yoga Alliance (RYT - 200)
Teléfono: 079 4757758

Contacto Tammy Foote Yoga

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